Thursday, April 7, 2016

#TBT to Puerto Rico

Over the Christmas break I got the amazing opportunity to go to Puerto Rico to get to see my future In-Laws and let me tell you it was an awesome adventure. While the temperature is normally in the 40's in Georgia and I would be bundled up in layers of clothes, in Puerto Rico, I was wearing shorts and going to the beach and enjoying the island. If you have never been to Puerto Rico, GO! It is such a beautiful place and you get a little bit of everything; beaches and mountains, city and country side. Anyone can find anything to do. So today I wanted to share some pictures from my trip. One of the coolest things about Puerto Rico was the wild horses that just sorta roam the island.

 This really was an amazing trip and I can't wait to go back someday (hopefully sooner rather than later). It was so much fun to get to spend time with my future family and get to experience another culture.

If you could go to any place in the world where would you go? Let me know in the comments below!


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