Sunday, February 14, 2016

11 Months and Counting

335 days...that's it. 335 days till I am married. It seems slightly insane to think about. 11 months from right now, I will be a married woman. It is so exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. I feel like there are a million little things that have to happen before the wedding but nothing that I can do yet because I don't know where to start. Of the major things I have to do, I have already knocked off
  • Picking a date
  • Picking a venue
  • Putting a deposit on said venue
  • Putting a deposit on a DJ
  • Putting a deposit on a florist
  • Deciding on a photographer (that deposit will be paid next week)
  • Starting to register at places
  • Asking the bridal party
  • Buy my dress
So I have a bunch of stuff knocked off my to-do list and that is reassuring but there is still a ton to do. (I.e. Take the engagement photos, buy Alex's ring, pick bridal party attire, the rest of my accessories, etc) But as I lay in bed at the end of this Valentine's Day I am reminded to just sit and relax and enjoy this time that I have to be engaged, because Lord willing, it's the only time I am engaged in my life. Here are my thoughts on love and what it really means to me.
I have been incredibly blessed with love. I have never been without it in my life. When I was born, I was lucky to be born into a family filled with love. My parents taught me the importance of love at a very early age and that I was surrounded by people who loved me and always wanted the best for and from me. Growing up, I had a pretty good understanding of what it meant to love someone else, to show them compassion, to want the best for them, to be there when they needed a shoulder to cry on. This is something I have seen exhibited over and over again, especially in the Scripture. There is a reason the Bible mentions God's love for us so many time, it is the way we should long to love others, completely unconditional. And I have tried my best to demonstrate this love from a human capability to others because that is how we make the world a better place. Jesus said it himself best, "Love one another. As I have loved you, so love each other" -John 13:34, and who are we to do anything other than that.
But I believe there is a difference in loving someone and being in love with someone. Again, like Jesus said, "love one another," that means love everyone, but I believe that is a love of understanding and compassion, there should be a different type of love for the person you are spending your life with, the person you are in love with. Before I met Alex, I dated a few other guys in high school, some more serious than others, and one or two that I thought "could be ther one." I thought these guys were so perfect for me, and that we would end up together, I thought I was in love with them. But as time progressed, I realized it wasn't so much being in love as it was loving their company or loving them as a person, but not someone I could be in love with for the rest of my life; unit I met Alex.
My first day of band camp in August of 2011, our band director told all the new members, "Be careful who you talk to and hang out with on the field, because you very well could meet the person you will marry out there." Asa freshmen in at a new school, in a new street, hours from home and anybody I knew, I didn't know what to think of that, but it is exactly what happened.  We met the next day, hanging out in one of the dorm buildings at Troy University during band camp, and I had no idea the guy talking with about Wicked would be the guy I get to spend the rest of my life with.
And until I met him and started dating him, I had no idea what it meant to really be in love with someone. For me it is wanting to be with the other person all the time, even if you're doing nothing but sitting there, or watching tv, or playing video games together (or separate) , because just knowing that person is close to you makes you feel so at ease. It is hurting for them when something goes wrong, especially when there is nothing you can do to fix it or you are separated by distance, but still trying to figure out any way possible to make the situation better. It is looking forward to afternoon drive home phone calls and absolutely dreading when one of you has to leave for extended periods of time because long distance sucks, but knowing that each day is one day closer to being able to be together again. It is knowing this is the person you want to do life with, your favorite person to everything and absolutely nothing with, your best friend and lover all rolled into one. It is understanding that love takes effort and dedication from both people because everything worth having takes time and effort and love and a marriage is no exception to these rules.
I know I am young and still have a lot of things to figure out in life, but I am so incredibly lucky that I have found this amazing man so early in life and we get to do life together now. In 40 or 50 years I want to be able to look back on my life and know that I have worked hard at my marriage and made it the best it possibly could be.  And I am sure that the things that make me fall in love with Alex everyday will change over time, but I am fairly confident that I will always be in love with the kindness in his heart, the love that he shows, his contagious laugh, and the way he does everything in his power to take care of me and make me smile because those are the things that drew me to him almost 5 years ago and continue to make me fall deeper in love with him everyday.
So thank you Alex for being the mot amazing man I could ever dream of and for proving that all guys are not the same. It really is true that once you find the one for you, it makes you understand why everyone else didn't work before. I cannot wait to be your wife and to continue to fall in love with you everyday. Thank you for being my Valentine everyday. I love you.

What are your suggestions for a happy marriage? Is there any advice you have been given about love and marriage that really stuck with you?
Love from,